USB Drive Manufacturing Media

USB Drive Manufacturing


Types of Media

  • USB Plastic Models
  • USB Metal Models
  • USB Models with Leather
  • USB Pens
  • Custom Shaped USBs

USB Printing Options

  • Usually 2 or 3 C Silkscreening on Plastic Models
  • Engraving on Metal Units

USB Packaging Options

  • Deluxe Boxes with Foam Wells
  • Boxes with cardboard shelves
  • Boxes with Discs
  • Jackets/Digipaks with custom Foam TraysCheck out our special USB Models & Packaging Portfolio!
Starting a Manufacturing Order

Step#1 Request a Quote
Once you know what you’d like to manufacture, get in touch with us. You can send us a photo (ours or yours) to start discussion, or send us a Quote Request where you pick certain features. We’ll help you define your spec and get your order placed.

Specs generally contain the following info:

  • Quantity
  • Media
  • Packaging
    Dimensions & Features /Printing / Paper Stock
  • Assembly
  • ShippingProofing details we usually handle later.

Step#2 Art Templates
Once your order is placed, we’ll start work on your art templates. Printed packaging is usually the most involved leg of a project, so we like to get this started first. We’ll send you the templates and you can get to work on the layout.

Step#3 Source Media
Print Ready Art Files
When you’re done with the art layout, send us back the art in the templates and we’ll start processing them.

Replication Ready USB Content
A USB operates much like a hard drive. Whatever data you give us, is what will be on the USB.

You can get the art and usb data to us via DropBox or GoogleDrive. Just send us a link and we’ll take it from there.

Ready to Manufacture?

Let's go over your spec

Unprinted Mock-Up
If your design is a new construction, or perhaps a bit complicated (as many of our titles are), it may be helpful for you to see a mock-up. This is a hand made piece created to show you how the packaging will be made. It is great for seeing dimensions and how things go together for lay-out. This is made prior to art.

Art Pre-Flight and PDF Proofs
We’ll check over your art for things like missing bleed or images, technical kinds of issues, and send you back a softproof if it is good to go.

Standard Color Matchprint
This is a cmyk digital print-out on regular, flat paper. It is a good indication of color printing and sufficient for most projects. Films are not yet made at this stage, so it is not terrifically expensive to make changes to the art.
If however you have special inks or papers, or special printing effects, you may want to consider ordering a Press Proof.

Press Proof
Think of this as a special needs proof. We can set up the press and run one copy for you. Yes, that’s expensive. However, if you have a special need – say for example you are printing on fabric or fiberboard paper – a print out on white paper isn’t going to do much for you other than provide one more check on the art layout.

Production Piece
We can send you one piece of the manufacturing run to test out.

USB Models