Vinyl Project Estimate

This is the right form for all vinyl packaging related projects:

  • Single vinyl records
  • Vinyl record sets
  • Mixed media (Vinyl and other items like books or discs)
  • Vinyl sized packaging used for other media

All items manufactured here are custom made, so we’ll need to get some basic information to help you with your estimate. The more you can tell us, the more detailed we can be in your vinyl estimate. You’re welcome to send a photo after we reply to help explain what you are looking for, or tell us a project title on our site that is similar. 

Tell us about your vinyl project!

Vinyl & Mixed Media Sets are generally 12inch size. Tell us about the media and packaging you want to manufacture so we can help you with your vinyl packaging estimate. Media can include records of any size, as well as discs, books, usbs, or retail products.  If you have a spec (normally this is from your graphics artist), we can do a detailed manufacturing cost for you. Otherwise we can go over feasibility and give you a ballpark figure to start you down the right path.  We are happy to help fill in the details or make recommendations. A budget is super helpful to make sure we are suggesting things that work in your price range.

Here’s what we’d like to know: 

(Please note – 100 units minimum)
Media (how many 12 inch or other sized records, any additional discs, books, usbs, or other items?)
Packaging Details (Type – LP, Box Set, Book, etc.
     How the media is held – foam, swinging sleeves, glued on sleeves, etc.)
     Dimensions, Printing, Materials
Proofing (PDF, physical, test discs, press proofs, etc.)
Assembly (insertion & shrinkwrap, or bulk if you are going to insert items)
(standard one address in US, express, split, overseas – provide address)
Schedule (approx. manufacturing date)
Budget (approx. range)




    -- Special Proofing, Assembly, or Shipping


    Quick Links:
    Vintage Vinyl
    Vinyl LP Packaging, CD BlueNotes, Record Covers, Box Sets
    Linen & Leather Wrapped Vinyl Sets
    Books / Photos of Books
    Boxes / Photos of Box Sets